
*Click image to enlarge*
Pastel on sandpaper
18" x 24"
April - May 2022

For this piece, exaggerated temperature and aerial perspective 
were used to deepen space, and color constancy was used to portray surrounding
 environments' influence on local color. 

"Pieces of Germany"
Charcoal on Paper
18" x 24"

In honor of my mother and her German heritage, 
I created a still life with various German objects
 and brought it to the paper with willow, vine, and compressed charcoals.
All light areas are the tone of the paper.

"Draped Diptych"
Charcoal on Paper
Each panel is 18" x 24"

The objective of this assignment was to create a still life that responded to a second still life located in class. 
Both were then to be brought to the paper with vine and compressed charcoals.
All light areas are the tone of the paper.

"Endeavor into Color"
Pastel on Paper
11" x 17"

This project was my first serious experience working with color in drawing. 
Pastels were used to illustrate a still life in class.

Further Work

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